A Comparative Study of Eating Attitude among Rural and Urban Female Players


  • Dr. Gurupreet Singh Author


EAT -Eating Attitude Test


The present research paper focuses on the eating attitude and eating disorder. Eating disorder has increased in the past which has been categorised as Anorexia nervosa, Bulimia nervosa and Binge eating disorder. Women with eating disorder can be detected with psychological characteristics and physical signs like dehydration, stress or dental decay. The objective of the study is to find out the significant difference between the eating attitude of urban and female players. The hypothesis states that there is no significant difference between eating attitude score among rural and urban female players.EAT 26 Questionnaire by Garner et al. 1982 was used with 100 subjects consisting 50 females each from rural and urban areas.EAT was calculated by using t -test and t - value was 0.47 which is less than the table value 2.05 at 0.05 level of confidence with 28 d.f., hence, there is no significant difference between eating attitude among rural or urban female players.




How to Cite

A Comparative Study of Eating Attitude among Rural and Urban Female Players. (2022). International Journal of Open Publication and Exploration, ISSN: 3006-2853, 10(2), 42-44. https://ijope.com/index.php/home/article/view/160