A Study on the Analysis of the Consequence of Behaviour Due to Unemployment in Rural Youth of Chaka Block of Prayagrj District of U.P.


  • Anjalu Basumatary, Prof. (Dr.) Jahanara Author


Youth Unemployment, Joblessness, Socio economic issue, Social interactions, Empirical investigation, Policies, Economic adversity.


Unemployment is a pervasive socio-economic issue with far-reaching consequences on individuals and society. This study explores the multifaceted repercussions of unemployment among rural youths through a comprehensive analysis of behavioral changes observed in affected individuals. By examining various dimensions such as psychological well-being, social interactions, and economic decision-making, this research aims to uncover the intricate web of effects stemming from joblessness. Through empirical investigation and theoretical frameworks, the study seeks to contribute nuanced insights into how unemployment influences human behavior, shedding light on potential interventions and policies aimed at mitigating its adverse impacts. Ultimately, the findings aim to inform strategies that can better support individuals and communities affected by unemployment, promoting resilience and well-being in the face of economic adversity.




How to Cite

A Study on the Analysis of the Consequence of Behaviour Due to Unemployment in Rural Youth of Chaka Block of Prayagrj District of U.P. (2024). International Journal of Open Publication and Exploration, ISSN: 3006-2853, 12(1), 36-40. https://ijope.com/index.php/home/article/view/140

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