Harnessing Quantum Supremacy: A Global Perspective on Computational Paradigms


  • Young Han Author


Quantum computing has emerged as a transformative technology, promising to revolutionize the landscape of 
computational power and problem-solving capabilities. This paper provides a comprehensive global perspective on 
the advancements and challenges associated with harnessing quantum supremacy and the implications for 
computational paradigms. The first section delves into the foundational principles of quantum mechanics that 
underpin quantum computing. We explore the unique features of quantum bits (qubits) and how they enable the 
quantum parallelism and entanglement essential for achieving computational feats beyond the reach of classical 
computers. The second section offers an overview of the current state of quantum computing research and 
development worldwide. We examine key milestones, breakthroughs, and the diverse approaches taken by leading 
research institutions and companies. From superconducting qubits to topological qubits, the landscape is evolving 
rapidly, and we analyze the implications of various technologies on the path to quantum supremacy. The third 
section addresses the potential impact of quantum supremacy on classical computational paradigms. We explore 
applications in cryptography, optimization, machine learning, and simulation of quantum systems, highlighting the 
potential for quantum computers to outperform classical counterparts in specific domains.




How to Cite

Harnessing Quantum Supremacy: A Global Perspective on Computational Paradigms. (2020). International Journal of Open Publication and Exploration, ISSN: 3006-2853, 8(1), 25-30. https://ijope.com/index.php/home/article/view/97