Advancements in Sustainable Energy Technologies: A Review of Recent Research


  • Prof. Denis Yu Author


The global pursuit of sustainable energy solutions has gained significant momentum in recent years, driven by 
environmental concerns, energy security issues, and the need to transition away from fossil fuels. This review paper 
provides a comprehensive overview of the latest research and developments in sustainable energy technologies, 
spanning diverse fields such as renewable energy generation, energy storage, and energy efficiency. The first section 
of the review focuses on breakthroughs in renewable energy sources, including solar, wind, hydro, and geothermal 
technologies. We delve into the latest innovations, efficiency improvements, and emerging trends that have shaped 
the landscape of clean energy generation. From next-generation solar panels to advanced wind turbine designs, this 
section offers a critical analysis of the strides made in harnessing renewable resources. The second segment explores 
advancements in energy storage technologies, a critical component for the integration of intermittent renewable 
sources into the power grid. We examine the progress in battery technologies, including lithium-ion, solid-state, and 
emerging alternatives, as well as developments in novel storage systems such as pumped hydro storage and 
compressed air energy storage.




How to Cite

Advancements in Sustainable Energy Technologies: A Review of Recent Research. (2018). International Journal of Open Publication and Exploration, ISSN: 3006-2853, 6(1), 22-28.