Urbanization and Global Change: Examining the Ecological and Social Consequences


  • Prof. Chunhua Liu Author


The rapid pace of urbanization worldwide has profound implications for both the environment and society, 
necessitating a comprehensive examination of its ecological and social consequences. This abstract outlines the key 
themes explored in a multidisciplinary study that investigates the intricate interplay between urbanization and 
global change. The ecological dimension of urbanization is scrutinized through an analysis of the environmental 
footprint of expanding urban areas. Rapid urban growth contributes to habitat loss, alteration of ecosystems, and 
increased demands on natural resources. The study employs remote sensing and GIS technologies to quantify landuse changes, identify ecological hotspots, and assess the impact on biodiversity. Additionally, the investigation delves 
into the role of urban green spaces, sustainable urban planning, and innovative technologies as potential mitigators 
of environmental degradation associated with urbanization. On the social front, the study investigates the dynamic 
relationship between urbanization and societal structures. Urban areas serve as crucibles for cultural diversity, 
economic opportunities, and social innovation. The research explores how urbanization influences patterns of 
migration, social inequality, and community dynamics. Special attention is given to vulnerable populations, such as 
informal settlers and marginalized communities, to understand the socio-economic challenges they face in the 
context of urbanization.




How to Cite

Urbanization and Global Change: Examining the Ecological and Social Consequences. (2015). International Journal of Open Publication and Exploration, ISSN: 3006-2853, 3(1), 8-14. https://ijope.com/index.php/home/article/view/19